2024 News

Hats off to Tracy Haus, Baker Group's Safety Director, for his outstanding leadership!

Hats off to Tracy Haus, Baker Group's Safety Director, for his outstanding leadership!

Baker Group Safety Director Tracy Haus was recently recognized for his long-time service as head of the National Health & Safety Committee of the Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA). Haus has served as chair of the committee for more than a decade.

“While Tracy has served the MCAA, the industry has changed significantly,” says Nathan Heath, Baker Group Safety Manager and a member of MCAA. “Tracy was a constant at the MCAA to help provide insight leading industry professionals through some pretty dramatic shifts including PPE changes, everything that came with COVID, and a series of rule changes from OSHA.”

Among Haus’ primary focuses during his tenure was overseeing the MCAA’s Safety Excellence Initiative. Established in 2003, the program recognizes those who are protecting workers in the mechanical construction and service industries from workplace hazards. In the 20-plus years since the initiative’s launch, MCAA developed more than 700 safety and health resources, helping to prevent more than 450,000 injuries and saving organizations more than $17 billion.

At Baker Group, Haus is instrumental in maintaining a culture that puts a priority on safety.

Led by Haus, Baker Group's Safety Team provides in-house safety audits and training. With a commitment to open communication, careful planning, training, and company-wide involvement, Baker Group consistently offers clients effective project delivery in a safe work environment for the entire project team.

"Tracy has been instrumental in advocating for an approach that empowers each and every member of the Baker Group team,” Heath says. “He is focused on developing and implementing strategies and processes that ensure safety is paramount for the well-being of our team members, clients, and the successful execution of our projects. That includes every team member being equipped to recognize and rectify any unsafe conditions or work practices, fostering a secure environment for everyone.”

A statement released by the MCAA at its recent Safety & Health Conference in Arizona praised Tracy for his contributions: “We’d like to thank him for his years of service and recognize the work that he, his team, and Baker Group have put into MCAA to make it what it is today. On behalf of the past and current MCAA Boards of Directors, MCAA’s national staff, and contractors all over the country, Thank you, Tracy!”

About Baker Group

Baker Group is a commercial and industrial specialty contractor based in Ankeny, Iowa. With more than 1,100 employees, Baker Group is the Midwest’s premier full-service specialty contractor providing mechanical, industrial, sheet metal, electrical, building automation, process automation, security systems, fire alarm systems, parking/revenue controls and 24/7/365 service. For more information, call 855.262.4000 or visit www.thebakergroup.com.


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